Tuesday, December 11, 2012

on Preaching and Working

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" Matthew 24:14.

I've lived in a few different places and been a part of several different churches where we discussed how to "reach out" to those communities. Every church I've been a part of knows that it is important to do outreach. Somehow the members recognized it's importance even if never engaging in personal work for others.

Many say they witness by their "lifestyle" as if to think that keeping away from pork, going to church all day on Saturday, and not using bad language in their vocabulary counts as preaching the gospel. Well it is part of it anyway. Unfortunately, if we stop there no one will ever know about Christ's second coming. They may see us "living" the way we do but never know why we live that way--that We Are preparing for Something!.

Others who are pro-witnessing seem to limit what God can do based on their personal experience or past history with evangelism. I've heard people say, "that doesn't work, that was good 80 years ago but not now, now here, not like that." I've heard this especially when it comes to evangelistic series.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Matthew 24:14 doesn't say all the nations will believe the gospel. It's not our responsibility to convert people anyway. That job belongs to the Holy Spirit. The verse does implies however, that all the world will hear the gospel when we preach it to them.

"He does not say that all the world will be converted, but that 'this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come'" Amazing Grace, 345. 

In other words, the world needs to hear the message. Maybe it doesn't matter so much what works and what doesn't work as much as it matters that we work. We too often concern ourselves about bringing people into the church and focus on the most likely candidates or methods to accomplish that (which is very important) but then forget that everyone needs to hear or at the very least have an opportunity to hear the gospel message. The Bible doesn't talk about methods but it does talk about men--men who give their hearts and minds to the Lord's service and go out to preach the gospel to a lost and dying world. Notice what can happen:

"By giving the gospel to the world, it is in our power to hasten the coming of the day of God. Had the church of Christ done her appointed work as the Lord ordained, the whole world would before this have been warned, and the Lord Jesus would have come to the earth in power and great glory" Amazing Grace, 345.

Maybe we should focus less on what works and focus more on personal witnessing. Lets start acting like people who expect their Lord to come--waiting, watching, working, praying, warning the world--this is our job! 

Our message is positive, it's simple, and it's what the world needs.